The 2011 team is comprised of the Sweatmans, Dr. Brooke Morrison, David Vroman, Pam Miller, Greg and Brenda Glazier, Rev. Bob Schell and Dr.Meg Chilcott. This team and the purpose of this trip has been in development for over a year.
Shortly after the devastating earthquake struck Haiti in 2010, a former Haiti team alumni got word that the hospital where he worked was upgrading one of their primary x-ray machines. He was able to encourage the hospital to donate the replaced machine to a clinic in Cap Haitian, Haiti. A second local hospital donated much of the needed funds to transport this extremely heavy and delicate machine to the island.
Now, this particular Haiti team is at work installing the machine. Team member Pam Miller, an x-ray tech, will be able to calibrate the machine and do some training with the local nurses and doctors. This is a lifesaving piece of equipment. Image trying to set broken bones or perform surgery without the ability to look inside the body first.
Please pray that this team is able to accomplish all that is necessary to get the machine up and running.
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