Bud worked as an Ironworker for over 30 years. He is very gifted when it comes to working on vehicles and fixing things with his hands. Jane has had several jobs in business and also served as a paramedic for 6 years. Presently she runs her own business as a commercial seamstress. Her gifts are administration and organization. Bud grew up in a Christian family. Jane was adopted by a Christian family at the age of 16 and accepted the Lord just prior to that.
The Denningtons have been married 37 years and are blessed by 3 grown daughters and 11 grandchildren. Bud and Jane always felt that missionaries had to be pastors, Bible scholars, doctors, nurses, or other professionals. They felt as though they were the ones that God called to support His work financially. Through two trips to Haiti with Men for Missions the Denningtons experienced what foreign missions is really about. After the second trip Bud and Jane realized God was calling them to missions full time. God is not looking for perfect people who can do it all. He is looking for people who are willing to use the gifts He has given and willing to learn at His feet with an open heart. Bud will be serving as maintenance and construction. Jane will be serving in hospitality and teaching English. We are happy to serve the Lord where ever He asks. Today it is in Haiti.
For more infomation about OMS International go to http://www.omsinternational.org/
Follow Bud & Jane daily on their blog: http://bjdennington.blogspot.com
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