After teaching for a year in Mexico, Erica returned to the U.S. to raise funds for another year in Mexico. During this deputation time, God gave Erica the opportunity to substitute in Haiti for three weeks. While there, she prayed that God would meet the teaching needs of the Haiti field for the next year and for obedience to His will in her own life. She watched as God closed all doors to Mexico and opened the door to Haiti. He had called Erica to stay in Haiti. In Haiti, her primary ministry is teaching at Cowman International School. Cowman serves a two-fold purpose: 1) To provide American-standard Christian education to missionary children, while freeing their parents to pursue ministries that reach Haiti for Christ, and 2) To provide an English-speaking education alternative to children of Haitian business people and to expose this otherwise “hard-to-reach” segment of society to both the missionary community and to the Gospel of Christ. Erica’s teaching ministry plays a vital role in reaching these goals. For her personal ministry, Erica visited different churches in Haiti for nearly a year before God answered her prayer to find a church where she could build relationships with Haitians and have a consistent influence for Christ. God led her to Smyrne Church at Flavil. Most of the congregation in this small church is between the ages of 18 and 35. They are growing spiritually and witnessing to the community. She feels blessed to serve with this church family. Erica is among those seeking revival for Haiti through prayer. She gives glory to the Lord for this burden and for the hope she has for her students and for the nation. She is eager to return to Haiti as a career missionary with OMS International.
For more info on OMS International go to http://www.omsinternational.org/
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