Steve, his family and many other just celebrated the complete ownership of a new building in Bangkok that serves as a school and a place of worship. Steve serves through the Baptist General Conference/Converge Worldwide Thailand and through his leadership, and the support of many people, they were able to build a new school in 1995. Because of this building, they are able to run first-rate English outreach programs in the 10 classrooms. The new school attacted over 10,000 students in it's first 4 years -- each one of these students hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ through the English stories that they teach. In addition to teaching English, this new facility is rented by other organizations and this additional money has gone to suppport one of the Thai members studying for ministry in Azusa in Los Angeles who will return to Thailand as a church leader. They money has also helped to support a minsitry in Phang-Nga, not far from where the 2004 Tsumani hit. They've been able to support a number of other ministries as well.
They are looking for short-term and longer-term English school teachers at the Peace Fellowship Church, Bankok. Contact Steve at scable@bethel.edu for more details and an application.
Dear Steve,
ReplyDeleteThis is a voice from the past--1980 to be specific. It's Mary Beth Kelly Gasior here. I was with Nancy Schmickle Thompson on Thursday and we were wondering where you are now. So I googled Steve Cable, Missionary and here you are! Wow! It's great to see you and your beautiful family. So wonderful to know you are still spreading the Gospel. My friends from Crusade are also serving in Thailand--Dean and Ada Overholt out of the EFCA. They are currently on sabattical in Hershey, their home base.
Nancy is frail with breast cancer --she is now Orthodox with 2 adopted sons from Guatamala and a little girl who was born soon after the boys arrived. She lives in Waynesburg, PA and I am in Pittsburgh still. I have 4 children--23, 17, 17 and a six year old! Yes, a six year old at 52! Life is an adventure. My Kelly has a beautiful daughter and they live in Oklahoma with Daniel, her husband.
Still walking with the Lord with a focus on prayer. I will be lifting you up!!
Take care and God bless, Steve. Thanks for your patience with me that summer in Poland. I was a trip! (I did marry Bob after all and he's a super husband and dad.We go up to our camp in Warren--any family still there for you?)Again, blessings to you, your family and outreach!
In Christ,
mary beth